Table of Contents

Page 2

General Rules of Our League - Classic Seasons

§ 1.0 Structure of a Season
§ 1.0a Sign-up Period
§ 1.1 Rating of Wars
§ 1.1a Legend Items at War Pages
§ 1.2 Rating of Table
§ 1.3 Allowed / Disallowed Mods and Changes
§ 1.4 Cheating
§ 1.5 Punkbuster
§ 1.6 Change of Rules
§ 1.7 Admins
§ 1.7a Admin Decisions
§ 1.8 Seasonal Council
§ 1.9 Ideas from Community

§ 2.0 Players - Allowed
§ 2.1 Players - Not Allowed (Blacklist)
§ 2.2 Players - Changing Teams
§ 2.2a Players - Joining a Team Mid-Season
§ 2.3 Players - Ringers
§ 2.4 Players - Activity Regulations

§ 3.0 Participating Teams
§ 3.1 Participating Teams - Shared Responsibility

§ 4.0 War Server Choice
§ 4.1 Neutral Rule - Server Ranking
§ 4.2 War Server Crash

§ 5.0 Arranging / Accepting Wars
§ 5.1 Mappicking Rules
§ 5.2 Allow / Disallow Blacklist Player
§ 5.3 Teams can`t decide the Conditions
§ 5.4 Playing the War
§ 5.4a Amount of Players
§ 5.4b Spectators / Casters / Recording
§ 5.4c Player gets disconnected / has timed connection problems
§ 5.4d Player isn`t able to play anymore
§ 5.4e Restart or unfair behavior
§ 5.5 Accepting Results
§ 5.6 Protests
§ 5.7 Defwins

§ 6.0 Bad / inappropriate Behavior
§ 6.1 Forum Rules
§ 6.2 Website Crash
§ 6.3 Violations of announced Rules

Page 3

Gameplay Rules of Our League - Classic Seasons

§ 1 Pixelshooting
§ 2 Basecamping / Baseraping
§ 3 Planeraping
§ 4 Vehicle Stealing
§ 5 Permitted (Allowed) Attacks
§ 6 Prohibited (Disallowed) Attacks
§ 7 Allowed (Allowed) "Bugs"
§ 8 Phohibited (Disallowed) "Bugs"
§ 9 Special Rules For Specific Vanilla and Custom Maps (Regarding Camping)

Infantry/Tank Cup Rules

§ 1 Infantry/Tank Cup Basics
§ 2 Infantry/Tank Cup Mappool
§ 3 Match Period of the Inf/Tank Cup
§ 4 Player Number of the Inf/Tank Cup
§ 5 Taking Part in the same team or not?

Page 4

Ladder Rules

§ 1 Ladder Basics
§ 2 Ladder Mappool
§ 3 Participating in the Ladder
§ 4 Gameplay of The Ladder
§ 4.1 Special Ladder maps
§ 5 Results of the ladder / evaluation
§ 6 Protests regarding the ladder
§ 7 Arranging Wars
§ 7.1 Counting the Wars
§ 8 The Ladder Season System
§ 8.1 Overall Ranking
§ 8.2 Equal Points after a Ladder Season or in the Overall Ranking
§ 9 Ladder Season being Closed
§ 10 Rulechange and Ladders

Warserver Settings And Configuration

§ 1 Basics
§ 2 Setting Area "Server" in Remote/Server Manager v2.01
§ 3 Setting Area "Game" in Remote/Server Manager v2.01
§ 4 Setting Area "Friendly Fire" in Remote/Server Manager v2.01
§ 5 Setting Area "Misc" in Remote/Server Manager v2.01
§ 6 Setting Area "Admin" in Remote/Server Manager v2.01
§ 7 Setting Area "Maps" in Remote/Server Manager v2.01
§ 8 Setting Area "Options" in Battlefield Remote Manager v2.01
§ 9 Setting Area "Options" in Battlefield Server Manager v2.01

Last Updated ( Mon, 11. April 2022 )



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Time (CET)

Sat, 27.07.2024
Berlin +1h